Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Cyber World

The last decade has been a silent witness to the power of information technology. It was not so long ago that government owned postal systems held sway over the act of communicating with family members and business associates. The only alternatives were express courier agencies who would cut short lead times by 50 %.
The electronic mail or the e-mail as it is popularly known had its own detractors who argued that the warmth of paper transactions could never be replicated by a cold system that transferred messages in the form of electronic impulses. Well, those detractors have been proved wrong , but what is even more interesting is that the internet has spawned a new culture and also altered the facets of human interaction.

Could you imagine yourself talking with a stranger, sharing details of your personal life and eventually falling in love... It is my observation that the curtain that separates two human beings allows them to interact more freely. It enables them to overcome inhibitions that they might have about their own visual appeal also verbal communication that would , in normal circumstances inhibit them from interacting in a peer group. Psychologist should study this phenomenon and explain it rationally - i daresay that educationists use this as a tool to teach children and draw them out of their closeted worlds by making them feel comfortable in a parallel cyber world.

Social networking sites seem to have proved the hypothesis that man is inherently a social animal who seeks to reach out to others of his race and desires to be appreciated for his accomplishments. People also do not mind to divulge details about themselves and leave it in a place for all to see. I shall not be surprised if the profile of people is one day used by product companies to typecast their users into different groups and come up with 10 separate target audiences for a particular product. And what better way to test launch than orkut !


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