A critique'
When Abhinav said that I had only stated a problem rather than providing a solution to it I allowed myself a period of intense introspection.In the following post I shall be analysing the causes of the problem as well as it solutions.
First the causes.I talked about India.Let us understand what does the concept of an Indian imply?Does it mean living in a set of boundaries drawn by Mr Radcliffe and Mr McMohan or does it mean belonging to a common cultural consciousness which has been alive since time immemorial.As a country we are only 57 years old and let us face it -- if the British had not brought the princely kingdoms under its rule we would not have existed as we are today.The land that is India would have been a loose confedaration of states sharing commerce and being marked by frequent bickerings and anarchy.We would not have been a democracy or if I may put it a functioning anarchy as we are today.
As a people we had been brutally subjugated for nearly 200 years in which the McCauly system of education was forced upon us so that Her Majesty could always find a large pool of Babus to run her 'Jewel in the Crown'.We were conditioned to be robots in which we had to accept what was being taught to us barring the development of the faculties of reasoning and thinking.This has again begun to haunt India with the advent of the BPO culture in which we are creating an entire breed of back office boys.Critics may argue that a country with a large population as ours needs to create avenues of mass employment but does it justify the neglect of high end jobs ?
This effect has slowly percolated down the generations, to the extent that from our childhood we are taught to look up to the West for examples of greatness and success.Swami Vivekanada was a great believer in the idea of the synthesis of the East and the West to create a better India but it was soon forgotten.Today this attitude is reflected in all aspects of life..right from sport to education to politics.The maxim of "Service before Self" has been inverted to become "Self before Service".
To revolutionise this dismal state of affairs we need to first change the way in which we percieve offices of public service.If we have more and more educated people turning to public administration(apart from the IAS etc) we can create a pool of different opinions and ideas which by themselves will be a remedy to this plague.Secondly we need to change our system of education in which emphasis has to be given to studying what one loves.Again my detractors will point out that this is possible only in a polity that provides a minimum social security.But if we observe carefully the second solution is a direct corollary to the first in which a better administration guarantees efficient management of economic resources.
Coming to the point of self belief.I have always belived that the arena of sports is the only place where the country acts as a whole and success can act as a major morale booster.In this respect the only model that has worked wonders is the Chinese one but it is not wothout flaws.Instead of blindly taking up this model ( as we would normally do) we can modify When Abhinav said that I had only stated a problem rather than providing a solution to it I allowed myself a period of intense introspection.In the following post I shall be analysing the causes of the problem as well as it solutions.
First the causes.I talked about India.Let us understand what does the concept of an Indian imply?Does it mean living in a set of boundaries drawn by Mr Radcliffe and Mr McMohan or does it mean belonging to a common cultural consciousness which has been alive since time immemorial.As a country we are only 57 years old and let us face it -- if the British had not brought the princely kingdoms under its rule we would not have existed as we are today.The land that is India would have been a loose confedaration of states sharing commerce and being marked by frequent bickerings and anarchy.We would not have been a democracy or if I may put it a functioning anarchy as we are today.
As a people we had been brutally subjugated for nearly 200 years in which the McCauly system of education was forced upon us so that Her Majesty could always find a large pool of Babus to run her 'Jewel in the Crown'.We were conditioned to be robots in which we had to accept what was being taught to us barring the development of the faculties of reasoning and thinking.This has again begun to haunt India with the advent of the BPO culture in which we are creating an entire breed of back office boys.Critics may argue that a country with a large population as ours needs to create avenues of mass employment but does it justify the neglect of high end jobs ?
This effect has slowly percolated down the generations, to the extent that from our childhood we are taught to look up to the West for examples of greatness and success.Swami Vivekanada was a great believer in the idea of the synthesis of the East and the West to create a better India but it was soon forgotten.Today this attitude is reflected in all aspects of life..right from sport to education to politics.The maxim of "Service before Self" has been inverted to become "Self before Service".
To revolutionise this dismal state of affairs we need to first change the way in which we percieve offices of public service.If we have more and more educated people turning to public administration(apart from the IAS etc) we can create a pool of different opinions and ideas which by themselves will be a remedy to this plague.Secondly we need to change our system of education in which emphasis has to be given to studying what one loves.Again my detractors will point out that this is possible only in a polity that provides a minimum social security.But if we observe carefully the second solution is a direct corollary to the first in which a better administration guarantees efficient management of economic resources.
Coming to the point of self belief.I have always belived that the arena of sports is the only place where the country acts as a whole and success can act as a major morale booster.In this respect the only model that has worked wonders is the Chinese one but it is not wothout flaws.Instead of blindly taking up this model ( as we would normally do) we can modify this with our own inputs so as to suit our own cultural and geographical peculiarities and implement it.Note I have not stated the direct application as any good Englishman would have done in the 19th century to suit the needs of the Empire.
I hope that I have made a small beginning and certainly wish that this creates a domino effect....this with our own inputs so as to suit our own cultural and geographical peculiarities and implement it.Note I have not stated the direct application as any good Englishman would have done in the 19th century to suit the needs of the Empire.
Expecting a lot of fire....
First the causes.I talked about India.Let us understand what does the concept of an Indian imply?Does it mean living in a set of boundaries drawn by Mr Radcliffe and Mr McMohan or does it mean belonging to a common cultural consciousness which has been alive since time immemorial.As a country we are only 57 years old and let us face it -- if the British had not brought the princely kingdoms under its rule we would not have existed as we are today.The land that is India would have been a loose confedaration of states sharing commerce and being marked by frequent bickerings and anarchy.We would not have been a democracy or if I may put it a functioning anarchy as we are today.
As a people we had been brutally subjugated for nearly 200 years in which the McCauly system of education was forced upon us so that Her Majesty could always find a large pool of Babus to run her 'Jewel in the Crown'.We were conditioned to be robots in which we had to accept what was being taught to us barring the development of the faculties of reasoning and thinking.This has again begun to haunt India with the advent of the BPO culture in which we are creating an entire breed of back office boys.Critics may argue that a country with a large population as ours needs to create avenues of mass employment but does it justify the neglect of high end jobs ?
This effect has slowly percolated down the generations, to the extent that from our childhood we are taught to look up to the West for examples of greatness and success.Swami Vivekanada was a great believer in the idea of the synthesis of the East and the West to create a better India but it was soon forgotten.Today this attitude is reflected in all aspects of life..right from sport to education to politics.The maxim of "Service before Self" has been inverted to become "Self before Service".
To revolutionise this dismal state of affairs we need to first change the way in which we percieve offices of public service.If we have more and more educated people turning to public administration(apart from the IAS etc) we can create a pool of different opinions and ideas which by themselves will be a remedy to this plague.Secondly we need to change our system of education in which emphasis has to be given to studying what one loves.Again my detractors will point out that this is possible only in a polity that provides a minimum social security.But if we observe carefully the second solution is a direct corollary to the first in which a better administration guarantees efficient management of economic resources.
Coming to the point of self belief.I have always belived that the arena of sports is the only place where the country acts as a whole and success can act as a major morale booster.In this respect the only model that has worked wonders is the Chinese one but it is not wothout flaws.Instead of blindly taking up this model ( as we would normally do) we can modify When Abhinav said that I had only stated a problem rather than providing a solution to it I allowed myself a period of intense introspection.In the following post I shall be analysing the causes of the problem as well as it solutions.
First the causes.I talked about India.Let us understand what does the concept of an Indian imply?Does it mean living in a set of boundaries drawn by Mr Radcliffe and Mr McMohan or does it mean belonging to a common cultural consciousness which has been alive since time immemorial.As a country we are only 57 years old and let us face it -- if the British had not brought the princely kingdoms under its rule we would not have existed as we are today.The land that is India would have been a loose confedaration of states sharing commerce and being marked by frequent bickerings and anarchy.We would not have been a democracy or if I may put it a functioning anarchy as we are today.
As a people we had been brutally subjugated for nearly 200 years in which the McCauly system of education was forced upon us so that Her Majesty could always find a large pool of Babus to run her 'Jewel in the Crown'.We were conditioned to be robots in which we had to accept what was being taught to us barring the development of the faculties of reasoning and thinking.This has again begun to haunt India with the advent of the BPO culture in which we are creating an entire breed of back office boys.Critics may argue that a country with a large population as ours needs to create avenues of mass employment but does it justify the neglect of high end jobs ?
This effect has slowly percolated down the generations, to the extent that from our childhood we are taught to look up to the West for examples of greatness and success.Swami Vivekanada was a great believer in the idea of the synthesis of the East and the West to create a better India but it was soon forgotten.Today this attitude is reflected in all aspects of life..right from sport to education to politics.The maxim of "Service before Self" has been inverted to become "Self before Service".
To revolutionise this dismal state of affairs we need to first change the way in which we percieve offices of public service.If we have more and more educated people turning to public administration(apart from the IAS etc) we can create a pool of different opinions and ideas which by themselves will be a remedy to this plague.Secondly we need to change our system of education in which emphasis has to be given to studying what one loves.Again my detractors will point out that this is possible only in a polity that provides a minimum social security.But if we observe carefully the second solution is a direct corollary to the first in which a better administration guarantees efficient management of economic resources.
Coming to the point of self belief.I have always belived that the arena of sports is the only place where the country acts as a whole and success can act as a major morale booster.In this respect the only model that has worked wonders is the Chinese one but it is not wothout flaws.Instead of blindly taking up this model ( as we would normally do) we can modify this with our own inputs so as to suit our own cultural and geographical peculiarities and implement it.Note I have not stated the direct application as any good Englishman would have done in the 19th century to suit the needs of the Empire.
I hope that I have made a small beginning and certainly wish that this creates a domino effect....this with our own inputs so as to suit our own cultural and geographical peculiarities and implement it.Note I have not stated the direct application as any good Englishman would have done in the 19th century to suit the needs of the Empire.
Expecting a lot of fire....
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