Monday, May 26, 2008


8:55 AM : Munch Munch Munch .... If you were to look at me having breafast on a weekday you would think that I had just come from Somalia. The speed with which I am eating is faster than those souls who taste food after months of fasting. That seconds hand on my watch is moving too fast .. and why does it move slowly when I am in office.. What the heck.. I need to get it repaired !!
8:57 AM : The speed's doubled ... Newton's Laws of Motion in full flow -- Chomp Chomp Chomp .. I pick up the steel tumbler and guzzle half a litre of water in one go !! That should wash away everything in my throat. Well, even the flush is more efficient.
I polish off my plate and look at the roti with eager eyes .. Even the stray dogs are not so greedy. Anyway, I decide to end my breakfast with a wee bit of hunger still left.
8:59 AM: I am going to buy a pair of slip ons. It will save me 30 seconds of precious time. And yes, I need to polish my shoes or they are going to be hired by one of those shoe shine companies as exemplars to test the effectiveness of their shoe creams.
9:01 AM: Four yellow taxis all lined up ... Bastards ! When you need them the most they are not there. I am not going to spend the money on them today. Huff! Puff! Huff! Keep walking mister… with the 5 kg laptop hanging on my shoulders I look like a special forces commando. The difference is that under that weight my back has bent like a bow!
9:03 AM: I pass the cigarette shop. No No No … I am going to be clean. Hmmm.. Even Adam and Eve could not resist the lure of apple, and I was not even created by God. One stick’s not going to make a difference. I go to the shopkeeper, buy the stick and dutifully go to that jute rope coiled around a nail that’s been hammered into an old tree .. yuck .. the first drag tastes of burnt jute .. Misers .. they can’t even afford to spend 10 bucks on a lighter !
9:07 AM: The burning end has almost reached the filter tip! And I have 100 meters to go. Yuck chick … why can’t someone tell her that she is not made to fit in those denims. When Mr. Lee and Mr. Levi made them they had the Size Zero in mind ..
9:09 AM: Aaahhh .. The metro station. That’s the cleanest part of Cal. Took them twenty years to build. And thankfully people have not turned it into a garbage dump. There’s no queue at the ticket counter. I take out a five rupee coin and decide to play carom with the guy at the counter. Flick .. the coin speeds across to him. With one finger he stops it. Then slides it to one side .. “ Four Bucks” .. He punches a few keys, plays carom with a one rupee coin and throws the ticket to me as if he has calling out “Rummy”.
9:10 AM: The metal detector cries for a policeman to come. Hmmm.. they would sell well as scrap. The access gate is working – and I am running down the stairs. The weighing machine is lit up with bulbs of various colors. Two bucks and see your weight. I was 62 a week back .. and I have been running for fifteen minutes instead of ten. Suddenly I feel lighter. ( Hey .. what about those 5 mangoes that have crept into your daily diet .. Shhhhh.. that’s a secret ! )
9:11 AM: The train comes in .. The doors slide open .. I move in .. listen to the sing song voice announcing the next station and drift away into the darkness along with the train.


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