Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Vodafone Ad

There has been a significant shift in the world of televised advertising. Gone are the days of the ‘80’s when the product took centre stage during 10/20 second commercials. Today, companies connect with consumers by capitalizing on personal experiences and the storyboard ensures that the experience is the primary feature of the advertisement. Why this sudden sermonizing? A few days back Vodafone captured my imagination with the cute advertisement about the helpless girl whose fountain pen runs out of ink and then her friend helps her out. No jazz, no skin, no models, no over decked Indian housewives – and the ad still worked.

The kids were outstanding. I loved the setting of the advertisement. A classroom setting where kids in middle school are furiously writing their answer scripts. The teacher dressed simply in a sari and going around collecting papers. And the killer - a sincere student, ostensibly the topper, running against time. My heart broke when her pen ran out of ink and she started frantically looking around for some help. And then the knight in the shining armor comes to her rescue - a little boy who is writing his exam in a carefree manner when he spots this girl who needs help. He extends a helping hand and releases a few drops of ink on her desk – enough to last her for a couple of minutes and complete the paper. There was nothing fancy about this activity, but what stole the show was the transition in emotions on the girl’s face. From amazement, at being helped by a mate who she never regarded as of much use, her face showed delight at the thought of being able to complete her paper. And then comes the Vodafone product that needs to be sold.

Such advertisements reflect a distinct change in the psyche of the product manufacturers. In a market where the customer dictates the rules, companies have started talking less about the product and more about the customer’s need. In jargonistic terms they are listening to the Voice of the Customer. It is a refreshing change in the way that business is being conducted. And I do not mind – as long as they continue to make ads that I love !


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